Losing shyness: control of emotions

We know well that the shy character implies a series of negative and self-destructive emotions that we must learn to manage. In some cases, overcoming shyness requires psychological therapy to help us master all those emotions. Do you know what emotions you have to control to lose shyness?

The emotions you must control to lose shyness

  • Shyness ends up generating a completely negative and pessimistic feeling around you, but there comes a time when you cannot distinguish very well what are those negative emotions that shyness generates in you. It is clear that the best method to learn to manage emotions is cognitive behavioral therapy, but first, each of these emotions must be defined.
  • Fear. One of the main emotions that shyness generates is fear. Fear of making a fool of yourself, fear that the opinion of others will be negative, fear of being wrong or fear of screwing up. And also shame.
  • Unsafety. You feel insecure because you are shy or vice versa. In most cases, insecurity is the result of low self-esteem, so the techniques to improve self-esteem will help you a lot to control your insecurity.
  • Anxiety. There is no shy person who has not suffered the consequences of nervousness. In some cases, shyness becomes anxiety and in order to control it, it is best to master some breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Impotence. You would like to be more sociable, you would like to show yourself to be more likeable and witty, free yourself from that shyness that paralyzes you and enjoy each social encounter like the most. But shyness doesn’t let you enjoy yourself and that creates a feeling of helplessness that translates into frustration.
  • Resignation. There is no way to stop being shy. The exercises to overcome shyness require too much perseverance and success is not guaranteed. The pessimism due to shyness has dominated you and you have resigned yourself to being a shy person for life. What are we going to do if shyness is genetic? Forget this thought because the truth is that many things can be done to lose shyness.

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