Many people believe that psychologists and educational psychologists do the same work, and although their field of action and level of intervention are related, the truth is that these two professionals are quite separate. They complement each other to obtain favorable results, but there are some distinctions, especially around child rearing and education.
It is precisely because of the complexity of these situations that many parents are confused about which one to turn to and this is where the different doubts arise. Don’t worry! In this article we are going to give you a hand by listing the 5 main differences between psychologists and educational psychologists. Let’s start!
Why does this confusion occur between psychologists and educational psychologists?
- In some cases, parents go to a child psychologist to see what is happening and what they can do to solve it, but perhaps psychological intervention is not necessary, but rather the guidance of a psychopedagogue. This is due to the type of problem, degree of difficulty or affected area of the case that is presented, factors that will later determine what type of intervention the child or young person deserves.
- The confusion with these professions lies in the fact that most of the problems that occur in the infant-juvenile stage are related to the academic area: demotivation, lack of attention, problems with a class, little relationship and interaction with their parents, problems of behavior or disorientation in the career to choose for the future… And everyone can be intervened by both the psychologist and the educational psychologist
What professional should we go to?
- Taking into account the origin of these problems and where they are affecting the most is essential to know which direction to take. That is to say, as parents, we must be aware if the problem faced by the little ones affects only the academic field or does so in other areas, if it is a specific difficulty or a more global complexity.
- For example, if your child has problems with defiant and oppositional behavior at school and also at home, you may need to take him to the psychologist. But if your child has trouble paying attention in class or a subject is complicated, then perhaps he needs the guidance of an educational psychologist who offers better study techniques.
5 differences between psychologists and educational psychologists
Vision and mission
This is perhaps the biggest and most recognizable difference between the two professions. In this sense, psychology has a broad vision of the patient’s environment, taking into account all aspects of her life to determine the origin and resolution of the problem that arises. His belief is that a conflict, even if it is focused in a certain area, can easily escalate if it is not dealt with and resolved.
Educational psychology, for its part, is more specific in the field of academic skills. That is, it focuses on providing solutions, techniques, and solving problems related to the teaching and learning processes.
Work fields
There is also a difference in the work environments, since the place of work and the area of study of both professionals vary a lot. Educational psychologists work mostly in academic institutions or in professional clinical centers, dealing with cases of people with learning difficulties and vocational and even motivational guidance.
Psychologists have a much broader job range. There are psychologists in schools, clinics, specialized centers, companies and even in sports areas. In all these places, consultations are granted, conflict resolutions and personal motivations are prepared for their clients or patients.
Psychological interventions focus on solving the academic problems of their patients, offering useful study techniques, learning strategies for attention problems, mental agility methods and preventive actions for children and young people with cognitive difficulties. Another notable intervention is vocational and motivational counseling for adolescents who are somewhat confused about what they want to do with their future.
For their part, psychologists focus on individual or group interventions that are specific, personalized, or eclectic, as the situation warrants. But always focused on making the patient aware of his conflicts, looking for the most functional way to resolve it and preventing them from threatening his other areas of development.
Profiles and functions
Psychologists are specialized in various areas of teaching and learning processes, as well as motivation and personal guidance, as we already know. However, these are determined in the behavioral and cognitive aspect of people, so the solutions are based on solving related problems in an immediate and functional way.
While psychologists focus more on the affective aspect of people, which is through which behaviors are unbalanced, perceptions of the world, trust problems manifest and even disorders originate. Therefore, the interventions are in favor of working on these negative emotions and adapting the behaviors to the environment.
Child focus
Psychology has a fairly extensive branch in the world of children and adolescents, dealing with difficulties and disorders present at this stage. They also focus on working with different populations, such as adults, people with mental disorders, business workers, hospital patients and their families, and people in care centers.
For psychologists, meanwhile, intervention during childhood is a determining factor in improving people’s teaching and learning abilities. Although she works with adolescents and adults for guidance and motivation work, child labor is essential.
Both professionals are highly respected in their area of labor development and are indicated for child and youth problems, depending on which one. So take the time to observe the behavior, talk to your child about what’s going on, and seek advice on the best direction to take.