Your personality according to the type of man you like

In matters of love there is no science that is worth it because it is a feeling that we cannot control. Some studies point to a certain genetic predisposition to choose one partner or another, others consider the sense of smell as the culprit for our choice in love, although the most logical thing is that a person attracts us by a mixture of biological impulses and factors cultural partner. But in the midst of all this ambiguity, it is true that there are some traits of our personality that can be inferred based on the type of man we are attracted to.

Opposites attract

  • And it is true that your boy says a lot about you, as is the maxim that opposites attract. Although it is not true in all cases, most women are attracted to those men who have a very different personality in an attempt to complement their own shortcomings. Because what is different attracts us because of the unknown and because, without a doubt, diversity is enriching.
  • It’s no wonder that women with boring professions and orderly lives are attracted to extravagant artists, or that the most refined posh share their lives with the scruffiest guy. Because deep down, what attracts us to the opposite sex is everything that we don’t have.
  • In this way, it is common to see disparate couples of leisurely and calm men with women with overwhelming personalities, serious and respectable academics hand in hand with gangly men without any apparent physical or intellectual attractiveness, well-matched couples of clueless men and organized and organized women. controllers. And in all these cases the common denominator is a manifestly insecure personality of the man as opposed to a firm and dominant character of the woman.

The mystery of the bad boys

  1. And if we talk about insecure personalities, we have to approach the mysterious phenomenon of those women who feel attracted to the tough guy, the bad boy or the dangerous man. A more frequent situation than one would expect and that generates great confusion in both men and women. Sensitive men who don’t understand why women prefer tough guys and women who don’t understand why they keep getting dragged into stormy relationships.
  2. The truth is that those couples formed by a bad boy and an independent woman arise not from the polarity of personalities, as in most couples, but from a trait that both share, which is insecurity. Because a woman who is successful at a professional level is not guaranteed her self-confidence. Like her, neither does she have the tough guy who hides her fears in a shell of rebellion, independence and freedom.
  3. In any case, the fact that our partner is indicative of certain traits of our personality does not help either the success of the couple, much less that the choice of man is appropriate. Because, as we say, there are many factors that determine falling in love, but the most powerful of all of them is chance.

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