Woman’s hobbies that a man cannot understand

When we talk about equality between women and men, it is clear that we are talking about rights, because it is more than evident that there are irreconcilable differences between both sexes that are sometimes the cause of misunderstandings and confusion. And it is that men and women have different ways of understanding relationships, so different that sometimes it seems that we speak different languages. And men despair because they do not understand women or what they consider women’s hobbies.

I’m ready in five minutes

  • One of the things that most despair men is that habit attributed to women of lateness. Because it seems that women are always late, to the first date, to the movies, to the English class… And the reason for our tardiness seems to be of great interest to them, judging by the time they spend reproaching us for this peculiarity.
  • Perhaps it is that women understand the concept “time” in a more flexible way than men, in line with that other more feminine than masculine characteristic that is tolerance. And it is that most men lose their temper when a woman tells them: “I’m ready in five minutes” and after those minutes she has not appeared. Well, five minutes or so, it’s not to make a fuss either.
  • And if we talk about time, we can already reveal the great mystery, that great unknown that worries men so much and that is the source of witty jokes about feminine nature. Why are we going to the bathroom together? If we are having a party and we have to go to the bathroom and wait in a long queue, it is better to do it with someone than spend half an hour waiting alone. The enigma is not enough to call Iker Jiménez either.

Girly stuff

  1. There are also those other feminine hobbies that men hate when they are already living together as a couple. Because the truth is that many men consider the fact of speaking a typical hobby of women. And they can’t understand what it is that drives us to want to have conversations with our partner at any time, even after a sexual relationship.
  2. Among typically female hobbies, shopping is number one in the ranking. Men are unable to understand why we love shopping so much, or why we have a closet full of clothes and can never find what to wear. Feminine mysteries that we are not willing to reveal, lest they take a liking to shopping and we have to share the closet equally.
  3. But the hobby that generates the most misunderstandings is that we women have of using makeup, when it is evident, according to them, that we are much prettier without makeup. Because men think that putting on makeup is a hobby and, what’s worse, they think they know when we’re wearing makeup. The reality is that if you go with a red lipstick, metallic eye shadow and blush, they clearly perceive it, but if you go out with the makeup base, a touch of compact powder and a sweep of mascara, they tell you that you look better that way, without make up

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