Twitter, the preferred place to vent our anger

Social networks are transforming all our patterns of behavior by proposing new forms of communication. Twitter and Facebook are presented as public forums where we can freely express our ideas to anyone who wants to listen (in this case, read). But even between these two social networks there are differences in the use we make of them; while Facebook is more personal, Twitter predisposes to public debate.

Twitter Anger Target

  • Thus, Twitter becomes the ideal place not only to express our opinions, but to attack everything that bothers us, be it the economic situation, the ravings of our politicians or the gaffes of celebrities. The hashtag Turismobisbal was historic in his day when the singer made an unfortunate comment on his Twitter about the social unrest in Egypt.
  • More recently, the target of Twitter’s wrath has been the Spanish actor turned politician Toni Cantó, whose pearls on the social network had their response in the form of numerous tweets angrily expressing the embarrassment caused by his statements. And although the initial purpose of Twitter was to keep informed in a faster way, its function has evolved to become the perfect place for protest.
  • As everyone wants to be up to date, Twitter is the social network preferred by celebrities, who pour all kinds of professional and personal information into it, and we do not understand how they have not yet been punished, after being cornered by thousands of tweets in those who are ridiculed. Because if there is something that characterizes Twitter, it is wit and sarcasm.

Twitter vs Facebook

  1. Given the interest that social networks arouse, there are more and more studies that investigate our way of relating to them. Being Facebook more popular in terms of the number of users, Twitter has more social repercussions due to its Trending Topics, which cannot be missing in any self-respecting conversation. What is talked about on Twitter is what is talked about on the street, at home and at work.
  2. And if Twitter is on fire with a topic or a character, that will undoubtedly be the topic of the day. But to be a good user of Twitter, you not only have to have a combative and rebellious spirit, you also have to have great ingenuity capable of impacting your staff with a brief but forceful comment. In any case, expressing all our anger and indignation through Twitter and downloading it in the hashtag of the moment is a most liberating exercise.
  3. Facebook is also a liberator, although it has a more personal and intimate trend. Intimate, but not intimate, because in both cases, it is about publishing and sharing everything we feel with the rest of the world. The experts say (if there has been time to train experts) that both social networks encourage egocentrism. If the Twitter user has a narcissistic profile, the Facebook one is more exhibitionist, but in both cases what it is about is venting our emotions.

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