The importance of dreaming: a guide to make your dreams come true

You can’t help it, you’re in the middle of a meeting and suddenly your mind escapes and starts to wander, unconnected thoughts are drawn in your head, or worse, in a totally conscious way you start to imagine what you should have said to the boy that they presented to you last night, and you elaborate an entire imaginary conversation that is far from what it really was. While your boss talks you clearly see the apartment of your dreams, or you move to that island where you are happy. You are a dreamer.

Dreaming is not bad

  • Daydreaming or daydreaming, imagining ourselves in other situations, with other lives or with another personality is more frequent than we recognize. And we are ashamed to admit that we are from that group of people who at times need to get away from reality to escape to their imaginary world because being a dreamer is frowned upon.
  • We have often been told that a wandering or dreaming mind harms our stability and can lead to certain mental pathologies and that it is an impediment to achieving happiness since we forget about pragmatism and reality. Quite the opposite. Recent studies show that so-called daydreams stimulate creativity and also provide us with more resources to solve crisis situations.
  • So from now on, don’t hold back if your mind wanders away from now. You are free to imagine how you want your life to be, where you want to live, design your own house, have the perfect man by your side, project the desired image, change your look, have children, travel… Now go back and reflect on how many of You can get those things, all of them? Well, go for them.

How to achieve your dreams?

  1. There are some things you need to achieve your dreams. The first is the total confidence that if you pursue a dream you can achieve it, because most of the time we stay on the path due to lack of confidence, believing that we will not achieve it or that we do not deserve it. Always keep in mind that the world belongs to dreamers and that any success needs a dream to come true.
  2. You can go step by step on your way to your dreams. Try to achieve those more affordable objectives first, in accordance with your current situation and thus, by achieving small goals you will also gather the strength and self-confidence you need to go for more. Because achieving success, however small, makes you feel happier and more optimistic.
  3. Many times what prevents us from walking towards our dreams is a lack of self-esteem, we believe that we do not deserve everything we dream of. None of that, because we deserve everything we dream of and more. Won’t you be able to get it? Of course. Wander, visualize, imagine and dream. Dare to dream your life and then launch yourself to live your dream.

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