Tell me how you sleep and I’ll tell you how you are

Many times people talk about how revealing body language is in communication. The position of the hands when speaking, the way we sit, the inclination of the head… experts are able to see things different from what we say in these postures. But what happens when we are asleep? It seems that the position we adopt when sleeping, which is totally unconscious, can reflect aspects of our personality. And you, in what position do you sleep?

The most typical sleeping positions and their meaning

  • Although there are more, there are 6 most frequent positions when we go to sleep and each of them shows different traits of our personality. It is true that there are people who do not always sleep in the same way, they even change the side of the bed, but the most common thing is to maintain the same position throughout the night.
  • The fetal position is the position in which the majority of the population sleeps. On the side and with the legs and arms drawn up, this posture reflects the duality of most people, with a strong and self-sufficient image towards others, but with a great need for protection and not without fear.
  • The position of the trunk is also on the side, but with legs and arms fully stretched and straight. It tells us about social and extroverted people, often turned into true leaders, admired and very sure of themselves. Although the fact of keeping the extremities attached to the body denotes a certain egocentrism.
  • The position of the nostalgic is equally on the side, with the legs stretched out and the arms completely separated from the body, extended in front as if in need of showing themselves as they are, or even offering. People who sleep in this position are generous and sociable people, but maintain a certain degree of cynicism, criticism and suspicion towards others.
  • The position of the soldier is lying face up, with the legs and arms stretched out and close to the body. This position is adopted when sleeping by reserved and thoughtful people, perhaps shy, and little lovers of crowds. These are people who do not accept news or surprises well because they need to keep everything under control.
  • The star position is also lying on your back with your legs stretched out and apart and with your arms raised towards the pillow around your head. They are tolerant and understanding people always willing to help others, thus becoming the best of friends.
  • The free fall position is a prone position, with the legs straight and the arms flexed up around the pillow. The head remains turned to the side. This position is the one adopted by dynamic, daring people, sometimes with a point of arrogance and somewhat irascible.
  • What can you tell me about yourself? Do you feel identified? Do you sleep in any of these positions or do you adopt a different and particular position? You can reflect calmly because not everything is said about the sleeping position and its relationship with personality and the theories are still open.

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