Most shy people are characterized by also having low self-esteem, two enemies of happiness that feed on each other. But shyness can be overcome and self-esteem can be improved, so we have no doubt that we can get out of that cycle of shyness and low self-esteem.
How to end shyness and low self-esteem?
- We are perfectly aware of the close relationship between shyness and low self-esteem, but we also know that defeating one does not necessarily imply ending the other. How can we get out of that evil circle of shyness and low self-esteem? Logically we must start by improving self-esteem.
- By improving self-esteem, we manage to feel more secure, we trust more in ourselves and in all those own abilities that we are already able to recognize. Searching for and enhancing our virtues will help us transform that negative self-concept and stop thinking that we are invalid, that we are clumsy or that we have nothing to offer the world.
- The work to improve self-esteem takes time and does not guarantee that we will stop being shy. Once we have secured self-esteem at acceptable levels, it is time to focus on shyness. The goal is to become more sociable by developing our social skills, which we may have few, but we do. You just have to find them.
- As with the topic of improving self-esteem, overcoming shyness also takes time. It is a long path of attempts to get out to relate, of failures, of errors, but it is also a path of overcoming success in small challenges such as being more smiling, daring to say ‘no’ at work or showing affection to our closest friends.