Shyness and insecurity: what to do to avoid them

Insecurity is presented at the same time as a cause and a consequence of shyness, hence its immense power to paralyze shy people. But just as shyness can be overcome, you can also overcome that insecurity that does not allow you to advance in your work or in your personal life. What can be done to avoid shyness and insecurity?

What to do to eliminate insecurity and forget about shyness

  • We can look for a thousand techniques to overcome shyness, a thousand methods to stop being a shy person, but the only formula to eliminate both shyness and insecurity is to improve self-esteem. And it is that being shy does not only imply not being witty, not controlling your nerves or not being up to the task. The first consequence of shyness is insecurity.
  • And at the same time, insecurity is also the cause of shyness, which is why we find ourselves in a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out. It is hard but not impossible. It is possible to gain self-confidence and enjoy that security, you just have to dare to take the first step. Afterwards, it is a matter of advancing little by little on the path towards independence, far from indecision and also far from timidity.
  • Insecurity is as related to shyness as it is to low self-esteem. You think you’re worthless, that you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, bright enough, skilled enough, or whatever. And then that insecurity turns into a fear of acting. What you have to fight is that need you feel to stay in the background so as not to receive criticism, reproach or not to be ashamed or simply not to act.
  • Fear can only be overcome if you face it, if you set yourself small challenges every day, facing situations that make you feel inferior or that promote your insecurity. Remember that everyone feels insecure at times and still copes. The first time you face your insecurities, you will see how the result is not as disastrous as you thought.

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