Listen to your pet: keys to understanding your dog or cat

Most people know that their pet has its own particular way of communication, but often they don’t understand it. As good communication is essential not only between people, but also between people and animals, the veterinary pharmaceutical CEVA has established in the Feliway study the basic points so that you can better understand your dog or your cat, since through their Body language can come to express your desires, needs and mood.

The movement of the tail

  1. One of the keys to your pet’s language is the movement of its tail, although these movements vary in meaning depending on whether it is a dog or a cat. So, for example, when they feel happy and want to play, cats move their tails up, while dogs wave it vigorously to the sides. With the tail down, the cat is transmitting to you that he is sad, but for the dog it means tranquility and relaxation.
  2. The rigid tail can also indicate the intentions of your companion animal. In the case of a cat, it is in a waiting position, while the dog is demonstrating his authority. If the animal has its tail between its legs, it is in both cases a situation of fear or disgust. But in any case, it is convenient to be attentive to the movements of our pet’s tail because it can indicate not only their state of mind, but also if they have a problem that must be treated.

What does your cat want to tell you?

  • Many people believe that it is easier to communicate with a dog than with a cat. It is true that dogs have a closer behavior with people and a more group behavior among themselves, which could define them as more “extroverted” than cats. However, although cats are characterized by their independence and more autonomous behavior, this does not mean that the communication that is established with a cat is also very close.
  • The sounds that cats produce are another specific form of their language. It is worth paying attention to our cat’s murmurs, meows and snorts if we want to know what he wants to tell us. The purr of the cat occurs in pleasant situations, while the snorts indicate disgust or fear, but in any case, it is an alarm situation for the animal. Special care must be taken with purring, because sometimes it can also occur in a traumatic situation, thus expressing the cat’s stress.
  • For their part, meows can have different meanings, so for their understanding you will also have to observe the movement of their tail or their body language. Through the meows, the cat may be asking you for something or demanding it, but it may also be expressing a complaint or that something surprises it. But it is true that the meaning and type of meows also vary greatly from one breed to another.

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