Hypnosis to overcome shyness: does it work?

When shyness overcomes you and begins to affect your social, work, sentimental life and your health, it is time to seek treatment to overcome shyness. Some specialists can help you overcome this problem faster and more effectively than if you did it yourself. And hypnosis is presented as one of those treatments for shyness. We wonder if hypnosis really works.

What can hypnosis do to overcome your shyness?

  • We add to the misgivings that many people have regarding hypnosis treatments. But it is convenient to distinguish two types of specialists in hypnosis. Some are those gurus who practice hypnosis as a trick at the fair or on television, and they are not exactly the ones who can help you overcome shyness. The other type of specialists is licensed psychologists or psychiatrists who have practice in the field of hypnosis.
  • These accredited specialists can help you overcome shyness, since hypnosis has proven to be a very effective means of finding the origin of many emotional problems. If the cause of your shyness has a specific origin, such as trauma or teasing in your childhood, if it has been generated by the family environment or by a progressive deterioration of your self-esteem, hypnosis can get to the origin of your problem and start working. from that point.
  • Hypnosis is also effective in helping you change your thinking. If you are shy, you will have noticed all the negative emotions that shyness generates and that fill your mind with negativity and pessimism. Hypnosis can help you fix positive thoughts in your mind and eliminate those automatic thoughts that have left you stuck in your shy character.
  • We cannot forget that being shy is something that can be modified and that much of the work has to be done by oneself. Overcoming shyness is a process that begins on the inside to see itself reflected on the outside in the form of greater self-confidence and learning to put social skills into practice to become more sociable. But we insist, if you are going to put yourself in the hands of a hypnotist, make sure that he is a medical professional.

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