Hypnosis: how it works and what it is for

We have a concept of hypnosis as a supernatural method capable of manipulating our mind, dangerous and mysterious. This is an idea encouraged by those television shows where a hypnotist is able to manipulate people to do things against their will. From that point of view, hypnosis is somewhat dangerous, but we should learn to distinguish the circus from reality.

Hypnosis as treatment

  • Hypnosis can become a medical treatment that, combined with other therapies, can help us solve a myriad of health problems. Not only does it help to improve emotional problems such as anxiety, stress, or phobias, but it can also be useful to relieve pain or resolve language disorders.
  • In addition, hypnosis is also revealed as an effective treatment to overcome addiction to drugs or alcohol, and also to quit smoking. In fact, more and more people are encouraged to have a hypnosis session in their fight against tobacco, encouraged by the success of some acquaintances. Likewise, it is an aid in the recovery of patients with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • In any case, and for hypnosis to be beneficial, it is very important to put ourselves in the hands of professionals and avoid all those possible scammers who work with hypnosis as if it were an art of witchcraft. Because what it is really about is reaching a different state of consciousness than usual, something that can help us eliminate certain behaviors that harm our health.

How hypnosis works

  1. Hypnosis consists of three phases or levels of concentration. Normally, to help in the medical treatment of a health problem, it is enough to reach the first phase, where the hypnotized person reaches great concentration and feels a body heaviness that makes their movements difficult. Progressively, and if the situation requires it, the hypnotist or therapist can advance to phase three where the maximum level of concentration is reached.
  2. It seems convenient to eliminate some of the myths that exist around this technique of hypnosis. People who are hypnotized are often considered to have weak character or low intelligence; Quite the contrary, a hypnosis session requires a great capacity for concentration that not everyone can achieve. For this same reason, and contrary to what we see on television, a person cannot be hypnotized against their will.
  3. Despite the muscular relaxation and the sensation of incorporeality that can be achieved, it is not possible to levitate, as they do not want to show from certain shows. For greater peace of mind, it should be said that in an extreme case, if the hypnotist does not want to reverse the technique, hypnosis leads to a state of normal sleep over the hours, from which we would wake up naturally without traces of the session. of hypnosis.

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