How to overcome shyness to speak in public?

Shy people try to avoid by all means those situations that place them directly as the center of attention. This is the case of public speaking, a situation that we must learn to face despite shyness. Because shyness can be overcome and because we are not going to let being shy cause us problems at work.

Tips to speak in public and forget about shyness

  • Speaking in public is a must for many people if they want to carry out their work effectively, so you can’t let shyness get in the way of your professional career. What you should not do at any time is to avoid putting yourself in that public speaking situation, so the only solution is that you learn to control the fear that exposure causes you.
  • The first step in dealing with your shyness in a situation such as having to give a talk or simply defend your point of view is to be prepared. If you master the subject you are going to talk about, you cannot fail and you will be prepared to refute possible objections. With all the information clear, face your audience after doing some breathing exercises that will help you control your tone of voice and also the tremor of your hands.
  • Maybe it can help you not to be so nervous knowing that we are not as transparent as we think. That you are noticing your nerves as if they were a monster on you, but in reality it is an internal process that the rest of the people, if they are hanging on your words, cannot perceive. Nothing happens either if you support your speech with notes or diagrams in case your nerves play a trick on you and you get lost. Even the most prestigious lecturers keep notes.
  • One trick to win the audience over in advance is your body language. If you smile when you walk in, if you look around the entire listening group and make yourself approachable, you have everything to gain from getting the audience into a friendly position with your talk. Remember at all times that you are there to convey a message and that if your voice shakes a little or your hands sweat, it is something completely secondary.

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