How to catch a lie: learn to interpret gestures and signals?

Body language can betray you on more than one occasion and play a trick on you. This is what happens when someone tries to hide a lie, however, their body gives away what their words hide. According to an article published by the expert, an experiment contradicts one of the assumptions of NLP that ensures that truth and lies can be detected through the gaze. However, beyond this question, it is true that the eyes are, in many cases, the mirror of the soul, as they say colloquially.

How to detect lies

Here are some recommendations for you to become a perfect lie detector:

  1. First of all, let yourself be guided by your intuition. Sometimes, the simplest thing is the truest, that is, your common sense can also guide you when it comes to knowing if something is real or rather, a science fiction story based on the imagination of the interlocutor. The more you get to know a person, you can tell if they are someone with a tendency to invert things or not.
  2. On the other hand, when someone is sincere, they are relaxed and very natural in their speech. He is not in a hurry to change the subject or is not bothered by your questions. In the same way, in general, someone who tells the truth, looks openly into the eyes.
  3. Body language scholars claim that there is a common sign of lying. Someone touching their nose while they’re talking may be a sign that they’ve gotten a little nervous about telling a lie. It must be taken into account that the liar’s greatest fear is being betrayed because in that case, he feels ashamed.
  4. The best way to detect a lie is to have a good memory, that is, surely at some point you can find a contradiction in someone who has not told you the truth. You just have to be patient, give time to time and wait.
  5. Wanting to interpret a person’s body language and take it as valid can lead you to big mistakes, since it is impossible to know one hundred percent what goes through a person’s mind based on their body posture. For example, it is always said that someone who stands idly by is defensive, however, they can also stand that way because they are cold or even out of boredom. Any gesture has multiple readings.
  6. Finally, it is often possible to detect a lie through practical experience. For example, many job applicants lie about their level of English. In this case, it is as simple as submitting the candidate to a level test to find out if she is telling the truth or not.

With the truth you can get to all places, on the other hand, the lie produces great risks not only in the workplace, but also in the personal.

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