How much does psychological therapy cost? The price of your mental well-being

The question that cannot be missing (and that sometimes terrifies) in people who want to attend a psychological consultation, is the price of it. After all, it is a service that must be charged for and it is valid that before taking the step of attending therapy you verify if it is within your pocket. But don’t worry, because there are various options that can help you achieve good therapeutic quality at prices that can be adjusted to your situation.

How much do psychological therapy sessions cost? The price of your mental well-being will depend on many aspects. Psychologists charge for our experience and time, so we have the right to assess our services accordingly. It may seem expensive at first, but we can assure you that it is worth every penny as you will be able to find the solutions you are looking for. Therefore, think of it as a good investment for you.

What is really what we are paying for with a psychological session?

As I already mentioned, psychologists charge for our academic specialty and experiences in the field of therapeutic practice, so the more prepared we are or the more successful results we acquire, our prices increase. In addition, we are constantly training for the cutting edge of intervention and innovative methods to attract different types of patients or clients and their needs. What results in a synonym of the quality that you can find with each specialist?

Factors that affect the price of psychological therapy

Town where you reside

Prices will not be the same in a major city or capital city as they are in a smaller city. The more cosmopolitan the environment, the higher the cost will be for the psychologists who work there.

Therapy type

The value of the therapy also changes depending on the number of people attended in consultation. In this sense, the prices will vary depending on whether it is an individual therapy or a couple or a group. There are also cost differences between virtual and face-to-face therapies.

Intervention approach

Finally, the approach is another factor that affects prices, a psychoanalytic intervention does not have the same price as a cognitive-behavioral intervention, nor does it have a psomodern style. Since different resources are used and have different duration times depending on the problem presented in consultation.

What are the pricing options?

According to professional quality

Initiation psychologists

There are service centers that give psychologists in practice or who have recently obtained their degree the possibility of continuing to obtain experience serving people at low prices (under the supervision of another specialist with more experience). The fee that is handled in these cases is €20 and it is an excellent option for those who want to attend a consultation but do not have much money, those who attend for the first time or those who have daily problems that are difficult for them to solve.

Renowned psychologists

As psychologists gain experience and become known in this world, their rates also increase, charging between 55 and 90 euros for their services. But as I mentioned before, this only guarantees you an unmatched quality service, which is why they are capable of dealing with more serious problems that need a severe and functional resolution.

By the center that offers services

Specialized care centers

For their part, there are service centers with solidarity programs, where clients can have the option of adjusting their rate depending on their economic status and the situation they present in consultation. These cases are reserved almost exclusively for those who need psychological therapy but do not have financial resources, but cannot afford a specialized consultation. However, the professional psychologists affiliated with this program attend to these clients for reasonable prices and with the same therapeutic quality.

Usual rate

The rate that is currently handled varies from €30 to €40 compared to psychologists who have their own practice or work in care centers accessible to the public. If it is an individual therapy session.

Final advice when paying for a psychological session

  • When attending a consultation, always ask for the prices that the therapist manages at the moment of contacting him.
  • Do not stay with the first option, especially if its prices do not fit your pocket, remember that you have several options so take your time to investigate.
  • Solve all your doubts when contacting the specialist, it is better to remain as a questioner than to sin for being ignorant and that it is your pocket that suffers. Remember that each procedure and intervention has its own cost.
  • Think of therapy as an intervention for your health, it is better to face that problem that afflicts you today, than for it to mature and become an impediment to the development of your life in the future.

Our quality of life is not only physical; it is also having good mental health.

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