How does the weather affect our mood?

It seems that our emotional balance depends on so many factors, internal and external, that it is very difficult to fully manage our state of mind. To the usual problems that can unbalance us, such as couple arguments, concern for children, family disagreements, job instability, etc., another reason that influences our mood swings is added: the weather. And it is that the climate of the area in which we live can determine our character so that the inhabitants of cold areas are more reserved while those of temperate climates are more open and sociable.

Autumn and winter

  • But not only the general climate of a certain area influences our personality. Temperature changes and, especially, seasonal changes, place our psychological equilibrium in a merry-go-round of emotions that we can hardly control. Thus, depressions are very frequent in autumn, as if with the fall of each leaf, all illusions were also falling from us.
  • Those who manage to raise their heads and overcome the autumn discouragement have yet another tough test to face: Christmas depression, an emotional disorder to which more and more people succumb. And it is that the cold winter is conducive to the appearance of those feelings of loneliness, sadness and nostalgia, which can leave us in a state of decay until the first rays of sunlight appear.
  • There are also people who love cold seasons, who feel more comfortable and safer with rain and dark days, but as a general rule, most people are influenced by the amount of ambient light… Not surprisingly, some psychological therapies treat depressive states with light projections.

Spring and summer

  1. Once the sadness caused by the cold and the rains has been overcome, spring appears as the savior of our spirits. The sun makes an appearance again and we begin to smile. We look in our closet for clothes in bright colors, with patterns that envelop us in a luminosity that we thought was lost. But not everyone likes the change of seasons.
  2. Spring is a true ordeal for many people, especially those who suffer from the seasonal spring disorder, aggravated by allergy or asthma problems and who begin to feel lonely when they see the terraces fill with people and they do not enjoy a large group of friends.
  3. Despite the well-known “spring, the blood alters”, there are people who do not notice these passionate effects, but are plunged into depression. For its part, summer seems to be the season that has the least influence on the mood. Regardless of whether we like heat more or less, few people notice its effects on an emotional level.

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