Does shyness go away? Steps to overcome negativity

Most shy people think that they will never be able to overcome your shyness. This belief has its origin in the genetic aspect of shyness, but also in the enormous load of negativity that shyness generates over time. Shyness is removed and one of the first steps to do so is to overcome negativity.

How to overcome negativity and stop being shy?

Regarding shyness, there is a ballast that is your genetic condition. Shy people surrender to the evidence that their shyness is innate and they can do nothing to overcome it. We know that this belief is a mistake due to the negativity that accompanies shyness. So we have some steps to overcome negativity.

  1. ‘I was born shy and I will die shy’. This is what the majority of shy people think that since shyness is something genetic it is impossible to eliminate. Serious thought error that you can replace with ‘I was born shy, but I will become a more sociable person’.
  2. All the fears that shyness generates, such as the fear of public speaking, fear of expressing your opinion or fear of ridicule, feed on negativity. If you neutralize negativity with positive thinking, your fears will starve.
  3. Replacing the phrase ‘I can’t do it’ with ‘Of course I can do it’ is not only helpful in overcoming shyness, but should be everyone’s first thought of the day. You can do it, you can go to that party, you can talk at that meeting, and you can smile at the guy you like.
  4. We can all develop our social skills, so can you. Practice simple exercises at home to overcome shyness, talking in front of the mirror, dancing or making faces to get used to losing the rigidity that you impose on yourself in social acts.
  5. Break free. At some point you will have to decide to go out into the world and present yourself to others as you are. If you give optimism a chance, you will see that social activities are not there to suffer, but to enjoy. You will be able to free yourself from your shyness the moment you discover that it is not an inalienable family inheritance.

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