Do I need to go to the psychologist? 5 signs that indicate that you should go to therapy

Despite the fact that little by little it is ceasing to be a taboo subject in society, there are people who, to this day, still think that going to therapy is a sign of being crazy or weak. Nothing is further from the truth, going to the psychologist is a decision only suitable for the brave, since only then will you be able to come face to face with your emotions and with those problematic situations that because you anguish and that do not let you live calmly and in peace. Only by going to a therapist will you be able to get to know yourself better and you will acquire the right tools to manage those conflicts, restore mental balance and improve your quality of life.

But, when do we know that we should go to the psychologist? Are there any warning signs that indicate that it is a good time to go to therapy? The reality is that there is no magic formula to know when we should ask for help. However, we can begin to sense when we should do it the moment something inside of us is activated. That inner voice that tells us that something is wrong.

How do I know that I should go to the psychologist? warning signs

  • And that voice can be a feeling of anguish or anxiety, being sadder or more apathetic than usual for several weeks, feeling that we don’t have the right tools to manage our emotions…
  • The signs that tell us that we should ask for help are multiple, although we must be clear that other factors come into play here: the resistance we put up to ask for help, the social stigma associated with going to the psychologist…
  • So, in addition to paying attention to these signs, we must be honest with ourselves and push away all those prejudices that hurt us so much. And it is that, asking for help is not a symbol of weakness, but quite the opposite: they show the courage that implies recognizing that one is wrong and that they need a hand.
  • Without further ado, in this article we leave you 5 signs that may be indicating that you may need to seek psychological help. We will also talk about how a psychologist, in each case, can help you regain well-being and control of your life.
  1. You feel anxiety 

One of the first signs that we should listen to, since it may be indicating that something is wrong, is anxiety. Anxiety is a state of physiological hyperarousal that manifests itself along with psychological and cognitive symptoms, such as: negative, catastrophic or dysfunctional thoughts, fear or constant anticipation of the future, discomfort, difficulty concentrating or “disconnecting”, mental exhaustion, etc.

Physical symptoms also appear in anxiety, such as tachycardia, dizziness, pain or pressure in the chest, sleep disorders (for example, insomnia), etc. Anxiety appears for multiple causes, and going to a psychologist can help you unmask and work on them. When a person suffers from anxiety, they can have real difficulties leading a normal life. Therefore, asking for professional help can be the first step to start recovering our well-being.

  1. You have difficulty managing your emotions

Emotions are like small compasses that guide us when facing different situations in life. All emotions, even negative ones, have their meaning, what happens is that we have not been educated to face them all in the same way. In other words, the focus has always been on positive emotions, and we have become unaccustomed to ignoring or trying to eliminate negative emotions at all costs.

However, negative emotions also have their meaning, their function. What happens when we don’t know how to transit, in a healthy way, a negative emotion? That our body manifests it in multiple ways: discomfort, exhaustion, anxiety…

Therefore, another of the signs that perhaps you should go to the psychologist is the feeling of not knowing how to manage your emotions. A psychologist can help you understand what you are feeling, why, and how you can give the emotion the space it deserves so that you can move through it and process it properly.

  1. You’ve been thinking about it for a long time

Many people express resistance to the fact of going to therapy. Behind these resistances are hidden deeper fears that make the person end up looking for excuses not to recognize that it is wrong. If we add to this the stigma, still existing, to the fact of going to the psychologist… The results?

Stop asking for help when perhaps we need it more than ever. If you’ve been considering going to a psychologist for a long time, it’s probably because there’s something inside of you that’s asking you to: a bad time, difficulties understanding what’s happening to you, a feeling of loneliness or emptiness… the reasons are various. What is clear is that, if you have been considering it for a long time, it is that there is something that you want to treat or solve. There is no one who knows you more than yourself, and if you feel that need, listen to it and give yourself the opportunity to recover your well-being.

  1. You have stopped enjoying things

Another of the signs that may be indicating that you should consult a psychologist is the following: you no longer enjoy things as before and, in addition, this has been happening to you for a long time. It is clear that we all go through good times and bad ones, and that our level of energy and motivation can vary greatly from moment to moment.

However, when a person feels down for a long time, or when they no longer enjoy things that they did enjoy before, and all of that interferes with their life… then we must pay attention to the matter.

In psychology this is known as anhedonia, a characteristic symptom of people suffering from depression. If you feel this way and you don’t know why (or even if you can identify its cause), a psychologist can help you understand the reason for that feeling. In addition, it can offer you strategies and tools so that little by little you can recover the illusion in your life.

  1. Is there a situation that you still have not overcome? 

We all go through painful experiences throughout our lives. We lose people along the way, jobs, life expectations… And all these experiences are accumulated in that vital backpack that we all carry on our shoulders. The experience of a loss, whatever the type, inevitably leads us to another process that we know as mourning. Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of something or someone that has been significant to us.

Going through grief is not an easy path, and for this reason many people try to avoid it at all costs, with the emotional consequences that this entails. They are people who, many years after having to face this natural but painful process, begin to manifest various symptoms: discomfort, somatic symptoms, suffering, anguish… That is why having the feeling of not having overcome or faced a painful situation that we have had to live (whether or not it is a loss), is another of the signs that indicate that there is something to work on. A psychologist can help you in this task, which involves integrating your experiences and understanding them as part of your history and your growth.

The importance of investing in your psychological well-being 

  • And you, have you felt any of these signs? Have you ever felt that you “alone” could not? We have talked about 5 signs that could indicate that we need psychological help, but there are many more. The key? Review your life, your emotional state, and above all, listen to what your body and mind are telling you.
  • If you feel that a situation is beyond you, that you have been dragging a negative emotion for a long time or that you do not know very well where to go now to feel better, perhaps it is time to look further and put yourself in the hands of a good professional. Although at first you may feel a certain reluctance to ask for help, the truth is that a good psychologist can help you understand what is happening to you and promote the recovery of your mental health. Do not hesitate, if you feel it, he asks for help: you deserve it.

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