Discover the benefits of solitude

Most people are afraid of loneliness. Probably because we define the person based on how he relates to society and from philosophy we get the maxim that “the human being is a social being”. We also know the importance of social relationships to feel good, even having an impact on our health, which is why there is this fear of being left alone. However, there are also people capable of enjoying solitude.

Reasons to be alone

  1. When we talk about enjoying solitude we are referring to the ability that some people have to feel happier when they are alone, in no case are we talking about those who decide to isolate themselves from the world because it causes them dissatisfaction. But under normal circumstances and without any psychological imbalance, we find many reasons to want to be alone.
  2. The main reason for wanting to be alone is to get to know oneself, something that can only be done from objective reflection, without external interference and for which we need some alone time. Loneliness is also beneficial for those people who lead a hectic pace of life, with a high volume of work and dominated by stress.
  3. It is this model of society that likes to impose what is “normal” and what is not that can lead us to want a bit of solitude. It seems that if you do not have a wide circle of friends you are not fulfilled as a person, and so it happens that we do not see ourselves involved in social commitments and in groups of people with whom we have little or nothing in common. And the field of love is one of those areas where more and more people decide to live alone.

Enjoy the solitude

  • Although it may seem incredible, you can not only accept loneliness, but also enjoy it and its benefits. Beginning with all those single by vocation who, after several sentimental failures, are firmly determined not to share their life with a man who tries to annul their personality. In this way, without being aware of satisfying the wishes of their better half, they have more opportunities to develop on a personal and professional level.
  • Freedom is the juiciest prize of solitude, which allows you to do and undo, come and go, decide and enjoy everything that makes you feel good without having to answer to anyone. In addition, this deep knowledge that you acquire of yourself when you learn to be alone will provide you with the necessary emotional balance to be happy, with an extra contribution of security and independence.
  • There is no shortage of those who can object to the benefits of solitude, especially because we tend to associate loneliness with a state of decay and discouragement. And indeed, there are many people who feel real anguish for being alone and who need to be part of a group. But you also have to keep in mind that the cruelest and most painful loneliness is feeling alone when you are surrounded by people.

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