Consequences of shyness at work

Shyness not only affects social and sentimental relationships, but it can also affect your professional career. That is why it is important to overcome shyness and forget about insecurities, to become a firm, decisive professional with decision-making capacity. Because the consequences of shyness at work are many and can end your working life.

How shyness hurts you at work

  • People who resignedly accept their shyness as a trait of their character that they cannot change are endangering not only their emotional balance, but also their working life. When we talk about shy people, we think of people who are not very talkative, who avert their eyes, who do not have many friends and who are rarely seen at a social event. But there are more negative consequences of shyness that can affect your livelihood.
  • A shy person does not dare to intervene in a work meeting and that makes her an invisible employee. Not contributing new ideas in certain types of jobs can cause you to stay stuck in your job or even lose it. This shyness translates into a lack of initiative and, therefore, of your value as a professional.
  • It is also common among shy people to feel unhelpful as a result of low self-esteem. This makes them less efficient in their work and they don’t even consider looking for a solution to solve problems that may arise. They think that you will not be able. The fact is that in the vast majority of jobs the decisive and decisive person is valued and these are precisely the characteristics that a shy person lacks.
  • Overcoming shyness at work is not easy. It is not easy to make yourself heard when you do not dare to speak in public or when your self-esteem is so low that you believe that you are not valid. For this reason, in cases of shyness that begins to affect work, therapy in the hands of a professional is always recommended. Because what is at stake is your job.

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