
Listen to your pet: keys to understanding your dog or cat

Most people know that their pet has its own particular way of communication, but often they don’t understand it. As good communication is essential not only between people, but also between people and animals, the veterinary pharmaceutical CEVA has established in the Feliway study the basic points so that you can better understand your dog or your cat, […]

Listen to your pet: keys to understanding your dog or cat Read More »

Woman’s hobbies that a man cannot understand

When we talk about equality between women and men, it is clear that we are talking about rights, because it is more than evident that there are irreconcilable differences between both sexes that are sometimes the cause of misunderstandings and confusion. And it is that men and women have different ways of understanding relationships, so different that

Woman’s hobbies that a man cannot understand Read More »

Twitter, the preferred place to vent our anger

Social networks are transforming all our patterns of behavior by proposing new forms of communication. Twitter and Facebook are presented as public forums where we can freely express our ideas to anyone who wants to listen (in this case, read). But even between these two social networks there are differences in the use we make of them; while Facebook is more personal, Twitter

Twitter, the preferred place to vent our anger Read More »

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