How To

How much does psychological therapy cost? The price of your mental well-being

The question that cannot be missing (and that sometimes terrifies) in people who want to attend a psychological consultation, is the price of it. After all, it is a service that must be charged for and it is valid that before taking the step of attending therapy you verify if it is within your pocket. But don’t worry, […]

How much does psychological therapy cost? The price of your mental well-being Read More »

How does the weather affect our mood?

It seems that our emotional balance depends on so many factors, internal and external, that it is very difficult to fully manage our state of mind. To the usual problems that can unbalance us, such as couple arguments, concern for children, family disagreements, job instability, etc., another reason that influences our mood swings is added: the weather. And it

How does the weather affect our mood? Read More »

Shyness when speaking in a group: tricks to integrate

Shy people have a lot of trouble actively integrating into a group. They do not dare to participate in the conversation and try to stay in a corner and go unnoticed. Shyness can be overcome and we can all feel part of a group. We have some tricks to integrate you into group conversations. How to overcome shyness in a group? Sometimes

Shyness when speaking in a group: tricks to integrate Read More »

How is the first session with the psychologist

There are many doubts that we harbor before the first session with a psychologist, but do not be afraid because he is one more specialist, such as a family doctor, a dentist, a dermatologist or a gynecologist, who will treat you professionally. However, there are many legends surrounding the visit to this professional in charge of diagnosing and curing illnesses such as stress,

How is the first session with the psychologist Read More »

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