Can I stop going to the psychologist? Signs indicating the end of therapy

There is no doubt that psychological therapy is the most effective method to resolve any type of conflict and/or personal trauma, becoming a guide to help us refocus positively on our lives, harmonize with our minds, and solve future problems on our own. However, the path to get there is arduous, exhausting and complex, but above all, it is a process.

So it is not surprising that many want to stop going to the psychologist before finishing therapy due to slowness, because they do not reach an agreement on approach with their therapist or because they feel that they have already worked everything they needed to work on.

But how can we really notice that therapy is coming to an end? Can you stop going to the psychologist now? In this article we show you some signs that will help you recognize if you should end your therapy or not.

Discharge vs Abandonment of therapy

  • It is very important not to confuse wanting to request discharge from therapy because you have already reached a point of positive change, where you have learned about your conflicts, you have faced them and you can effectively use the tools that therapy has given you to resolve them. for yourself in the future with leaving the therapeutic consultation without any warning or notifying it abruptly because you feel that it is no longer necessary to go or because you simply do not want to go.
  • Dropping out of therapy is unfortunately the most common scenario during psychological therapy. In general, it occurs because the person does not want to face their conflicts for fear of feeling vulnerable and judged, despite the fact that this step is essential to achieve the desired improvement.
  • While, on the other hand, when that level of improvement that is sought is being reached, people perceive themselves as ‘cured’ and feel that they are capable of continuing on their own. While it is true that the latter may be a reality, it is necessary to first talk to the therapist about these feelings to assess with him if he is really ready to end the therapy.

Should you leave the psychologist? 4 indicators that the end of therapy is near

Evident progress

The best way to know when to say goodbye to therapy is to be aware of your own change, both you and your psychologist should be able to see the progress and positive change that has resulted from the whole process. And this improvement should be appreciated not only in the consultation, but also in your day to day. It may be subtle at first, but the more comfortable and confident you become over time, the fruits of your hard therapeutic work can be seen and enjoyed.


Despite the fact that at the beginning you have agreed with your psychologist the approach model and the duration of the therapy, it is possible that you will be able to resolve your conflicts or work completely that which led you to therapy in less time and you are completely satisfied with it. Therefore, there is no longer anything that warrants extending the therapy more than necessary.


At the opposite extreme, there are cases where both the patient and the therapist seem unable to move in the desired direction, due to the obstacles that exist, which may be: patient resistance, defensiveness when facing conflicts, not carrying out work outside of the consultation, poor communication between therapist and patient or little understanding in the goal. If this is your case, it is better that you say goodbye and change your psychologist.


If in your case you feel immense discomfort, you feel that your psychologist constantly judges you and makes you feel guilty or has arrogant and discriminatory attitudes, then there is no need to stay in therapy with him or her, because instead of improving, you will have a completely opposite result. But yes, face your fears and tell your psychologist the real reasons why you are leaving therapy.

Psychological therapy is a long process, although at first the agreed number of sessions may be short, the emotionally exhausting work makes it last longer. So we recommend you to be patient and put into practice all your therapist’s suggestions to get the result you want and get out of it through the front door.

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