Author name: TherapiesPsycho Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about mental health and the power of therapy to transform lives. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality therapy and psychotherapy services, and we're dedicated to providing our readers with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions about their mental health care.

Misophonia: Those little sounds you can’t stand

Hearing problems are more frequent than we think. Many times there is an adequate treatment that solves the hearing problem, but other times, especially when it is a hypersensitivity to sound, it is more difficult to establish an effective treatment, since the physical and psychological factors are interrelated in this type of ailments. Added to this is the problem that […]

Misophonia: Those little sounds you can’t stand Read More »

Rational emotive therapy to overcome anxiety

To overcome anxiety, we don’t just look at the newest techniques or therapies. There is a psychotherapy that has been practiced since the 50s and that is very effective in treating anxiety disorders. It is a therapy capable of eliminating the negative thought that this distressing concern produces in us. And do it base on logical reasoning. We have the

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Chromotherapy or color therapy: the healing power of colors

Today’s society has us immersed in a life of stress, anxiety and haste that cause us endless physical and emotional health problems. Problems for which conventional medicine does not have an easy solution, such as depression, phobias and other emotional disorders. Thus, more and more people decide to embrace the so-called “slow” way of life in an attempt to curb so much

Chromotherapy or color therapy: the healing power of colors Read More »

Shock therapy, a method to overcome crises and phobias

Some mental health problems resist the usual therapies and we must go one step further. In this article we talk about shock therapy and its variants in both psychiatry and psychology, a therapy that has been highly questioned and that causes divisions among the professionals themselves. Perhaps because throughout history many errors have been made

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Tell me how you sleep and I’ll tell you how you are

Many times people talk about how revealing body language is in communication. The position of the hands when speaking, the way we sit, the inclination of the head… experts are able to see things different from what we say in these postures. But what happens when we are asleep? It seems that the position we adopt when sleeping, which is totally unconscious,

Tell me how you sleep and I’ll tell you how you are Read More »

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